Thursday, February 28, 2013

02-28-13 Chelsea Hotel #100

There's trouble
in room 100

butterfly curtains
blood on the floor

someone is sick
need help

platinum blonde
soaked with crimson

black jaguar
five inch blade

vicious attack
dangerous love affair

cold still silence
intense evil presence

lingering death
dark energies remain

wandering the hallways
lost for eternity


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

02-27-13 February Dreaming August Bliss

Tonight the mighty fireflies
take flight with bright green light
blinking quietly in the fresh air
under the spell of a yellow moon

The warm glow of lightning bugs
on a hot summer evening at home
relaxing at a backyard family barbecue
chasing dragonflies with a butterfly net

Firecrackers bottle rockets and cherry bombs
drive in movie popcorn ice cream meltdown
careless lemonade kisses dancing under stars
so far away from days when cold winds blow

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

02-26-13 Smile For The Revolution

All the armies in the world

can take the day off tomorrow

and all the politicians can take a hike

because the power of peace is upon us

the true strength of a nation will rise up

with electric music wailing in the thin air

and the boys and girls dancing in the streets


Monday, February 25, 2013

02-25-13 Beast Of The Damned

the strange creature
crawled out from inside
the ancient temple ruins
and looked into our eyes
trying to steal our souls
but the spiritual nature
of the old temple energy
neutralized the creature
who burst into flames
on the spot where it stood
and we realized immediately
that the strange creature
was a physical manifestation
of pure evil damnation


Sunday, February 24, 2013

02-24-13 The Call Of Friendship

I will always be there
whenever you need me to be
when the pain seems unbearable
when you have nowhere left to turn
when life's problems overwhelm you
when it seems like the end of the line
I will always be there


Saturday, February 23, 2013

02-23-13 Positive Energy Flowing All Over

Erase the negativity
from inside your mind
set those thoughts aside
and let your inner light shine


Friday, February 22, 2013

02-22-13 Fish Head Soup

walking around
with your head
in the clouds
and the clouds
in your head
all day long
drowning deep in
fish bowl bubbles
where everything
sounds like rainbow
xylophone music
magic at times
while tragic
at other times
floating belly up
on the surface
gasping for air


Thursday, February 21, 2013

02-21-13 Underground Rehabilitation

your face is on the floor
but there is more in store
after the darkness sets in
evil creeps out of shadows

a lightning bolt strike
sports car intervention
fast action on the slide
good music on the radio

witches brew
dinner for two
turning a screw
feeling very blue

red roses growing up
purple rains pouring down
silent sounds lost and found
when no one else is around

the language of demons
with a slip of the tongue
like a slave to the flame
burning in eternal Hell

take a step back
call of your attack
put away your stack
stop smoking crack


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

02-20-13 Deception In The Air

vicious friends              without mercy
savage attack      in the morning
deep inside a            bloody shark tank
don't turn your       back for a second

setting up the deck        of cards to fall
while ignoring the      injustice of it all
choking on the        bones of betrayal
stolen confidence        washed away

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02-19-13 Evening Dawn Haiku

orange moon blooming
as far as your mind can see
glowing golden hue


Monday, February 18, 2013

02-18-13 Curse Of The Mummy's Tomb

                       back in time
          through the caverns of ancient
       pyramids into the cradle of evolution
   and sleep inside a sarcophagus for eternity
but most of all remember to love your mummy


Sunday, February 17, 2013

02-17-13 At The Summer Carnival

carousel elephant joy
musical choreography
whirling in the wind
cotton candy delicious

monkey man and wolf boy
sword swallower breathing fire
Fiji Mermaids swimming in pools
two headed goats marching on parade

flashing lights ringing bells buzzers
children laughing girls singing out loud
fried dough and Italian sausages
all the town's people come running

Saturday, February 16, 2013

02-16-13 Red Hot Cinnamon Hearts

Firebird flight force
surfing the night skies
escaping an eerie eclipse
shifting back into neutral

Thunderstorm symphony
showered in golden stardust
sparkling in the heavy crackle
sliding down a lightning bolt

Riding on a frightening journey
into the mighty petrified waterfall
through the mirror wall of reflection
touching the blind side of darkness

Whispering a silent prayer for peace
weeping quietly in the arms of infinity
spinning mysteries by warm candlelight
swimming deep inside a fresh melody

Friday, February 15, 2013

02-15-13 Intergalactic Zombie Insurrection



Thursday, February 14, 2013

02-14-13 Rat Race

millions of people everywhere
scraping and clawing for survival
in towering skyscrapers above
in cavernous subways below

giant rats come out to feed
as soon as the sun goes down
if you sleep in the park on the grass
you will eventually be eaten alive

wandering around with nowhere to go
so cold and hungry as shadows creep
if you find a place to sleep on the street
you will eventually be eaten alive


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

02-13-13 On Grandma's Birthday

sitting on the floor
with my baby boy
face to face smiling
his chubby apple cheeks
remind me of Grandma
I can see her face
in the way he laughs
brings me right back
to the good old days
now living them again
on Grandma's birthday
while playing with my son


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02-12-13 Hellfire Alive

red hot tear gas grenades
explosives launched into the air
engulfed in flames and ready to burn
havoc breaking out on the loose

heavy machine guns shooting
up against weapons of destruction
bringing down the wrath of all evil
broadcast live on the evening news



Monday, February 11, 2013

02-11-13 Fashion Week Hallucinations

It seems like we are cursed
like howling mad werewolves
starry eyed and about to explode
we are evil in our addictions

Strange fates befall us
and we deserve everything
that's heading our way
but it's not the same today

Blinded by darkness
following the vibration
walking towards lightness
illuminated with energy

It was only an illusion
like a ghost inside a blizzard
flying like a cartoon buzzard
I'm ready to change my ways


Sunday, February 10, 2013

02-10-13 Afternoons At The Swamp

fifteen funky frogs
out at the old mill pond
lounging around on lily pads
taking a siesta on the rocks
snoozing in the warm sun
breathing in the fresh air
smelling fresh green grass
listening to crickets chirp
solving mysteries of the universe


Saturday, February 9, 2013

02-09-13 Alphabetical Insanity

Angry Apples Act
Broken Barnacles Bite
Chrystal Caverns Clash
Delicious Devils Destroy
Exceptional Editors Escape
Fake Fanatics Frustrate
Golden Gators Gyrate
Happy Hipsters Hop
Invisible Idiots Inspire
Jealous Jokers Jest
Killer Kangaroos Kiss
Loud Lovers Listen
Mad Monsters Meditate
Nasty Neighbors Negotiate
Older Ostriches Obfuscate
Prolific Poets Pontificate
Quiet Queens Qualify
Radical Rabbits Revolt
Satanic Strippers Swim
Terrific Tyrants Tumble
Undercover Unicorns Unite
Vicious Vikings Violate
Whimsical Wanderers Weep
Xenophobic Xylophones Xerox
Young Yodelers Yell
Zany Zebras Zoom


Friday, February 8, 2013

02-08-13 Universal Twist

nothing is new
ideas are recycled
energy is transcribed

lovers become enemies
babies are people
humans are aliens

destruction is creation
death becomes rebirth
truths are lies


Thursday, February 7, 2013

02-07-13 It's Easy To Be A Superhero

when you do nice things for people
when you smile instead of scowl
when you help a neighbor in need
when you rescue a cat stuck in a tree
when you stand up straight and proud
when you cry out loud against injustice
when you feed someone who has no food
when you try to save the Earth from doom
when you protect the innocent from the forces of evil
when you give up your seat on the train for a pregnant lady


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

02-06-13 Abstract Gas

musical days in the jungle
underground radio philosophy
laughing dentist cover story
strange psychedelic dreams
hot popcorn masterpiece movie
singular invisible substance flip
unchained sleep revolution skip
drip trip blip clip water wizard
bottles of warm juice washed up
several stolen starving subjects
oceans explode in outer space


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

02-05-13 Throwing Up On The Train

boiling hot fever
sweat oozes from pores
stomach muscles tighten
mouth full of puke vomit
until it explodes all over

cold sweats shivering chills
riding home sick on the subway
the feeling returns stronger
and it's only a matter of time

riding two stops away
from the end of the line
can't hold it in any more
rush for the door but it's too late

he wouldn't get out of the way
so the barf sprayed all over him
but the poor woman in the fur coat
got the worst of the splatter
and the virus continues to spread


Monday, February 4, 2013

02-04-13 Wounded Heart

Staying home gets lonely at times
But it sure beats a broken heart
So we started to drift apart
Now the days are empty
And it's impossible to trust
Anyone who might betray
This fragile emotional state
Messed up fresh neglected
Obsessing over bad love
Regretting what could've been
Then mourning what can never be


Sunday, February 3, 2013

02-03-13 Radioactive Sasquatch Milk

down the gateway 
to the underworld
lost in a time warp
found riding high 
on shooting stars
illuminated alive
from one dimension
into the next vortex
then gone in a flash

Saturday, February 2, 2013

02-02-13 Lucky Penny

Shiny and new
I found you
on a subway train
so cold and lonely
I picked you up
off the dirty floor
and put you in my pocket
too keep all day long
as a good luck charm
then you saved my life
so I will never let you go


Friday, February 1, 2013

02-01-13 Adventures In Mystic Poetry

signature speech patterns written
wildly electric at the bomb shop
stopping short of falling apart
on the rocks all over the page

creating a symphony of words
painting pictures with language
weaving wisdom into patchworks
transcribing energies all around

digging a big hole in the garden
before crawling deep down inside
then climbing right back out again
to fly up into the starry night sky