Tuesday, September 30, 2014

09-30-14 Raining Outside

Beads of water
Drip down windows
Strong autumn winds
Rattle the glass

Cars whooosh
Through puddles
Through wet streets
Reflecting traffic lights

Slick black raincoat
Cheap umbrella
Trendy rubber boots
Soaked through your clothes


Monday, September 29, 2014

09-29-14 Midnight Ceremonies

Deep in the darkened woods

Mysterious secrets lie hidden

Buried out near the old swamp

Haunted by ancient voices

Sunday, September 28, 2014

09-28-14 Going Into Hibernation

A long cold frost
Begins to creep in

Chilly winds blow
Winter crystals

We all grow
A little bit older

The world turns
Time moves on

Huddling for warmth
Under a pile of blankets

Storing up food to eat
Before the ice storms hit

Healing in our shelter
Surviving the deep freeze

Sleeping until we wake up
When baseball season starts again


Saturday, September 27, 2014

09-27-14 Storage Unit Blues

Digging through
Old stuff piled up
Over the long years
The silent memories
Echo in our hearts
Reminding us to live
Because time is limited
These days are gone


Friday, September 26, 2014

09-26-14 The Ending Of A Perfect Fairytale

It's a heartbreaker
When you have to explain
That all things come to an end

Those old good times
Will never seem the same
Since our perspective changed

That same painful feeling
Hurts as bad today as it ever did
The missing piece was never found

Ghosts may tell stories
When those autumn winds blow
As our golden moments shine forever


Thursday, September 25, 2014

09-25-14 Bigger Than All Of Us

Scripted arc of time
Tomorrow travel back
Flip dive drive retire

Final memory written
The stars reveal destiny
Stop to reflect in peace

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

09-24-14 Sunset In The Bronx

Childhood dreams
Adult memories
Long summers
Come and gone

Across the street
Out in the bleachers
At the old Stadium
Forever young


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

09-23-14 Junk Revolution News

Clog up the blog
Plug up the channel
Pickled potato chips
Microchip bandwidth

Cough up the phlegm
Pull the curtain down
Cartoon voice recording
Transmitted everywhere

Electronic panda bear
Passing the disaster
Rolling in the grass
Laughing gas


Monday, September 22, 2014

09-22-14 Fly In Your Sky

I was trying to get up
But gravity took over
I fell flat on my face

When we were flying
The sweet air swooshed
Through our wild hair

Out in the atmosphere
Focused on the road ahead
On the ultimate adventure


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

09-20-14 Saturday Night Horror

Vampires walk
Dark streets
Roaming in

Cold blood
Flying bats
Howling wolf
Shape shifter

The creature
Is fighting
To stay alive

Friday, September 19, 2014

09-19-14 Bootleg Love Poem

Desperation sets in slowly
Pain suffering fear and love
Sloppy honey dripper slip
Worldwide passion alive

Longshot pitch push
To flip backwards home
Trouble on the front line
Home town good fortune

Spiders crawling inside
Bloody brains thinking
Reading books explosion
Trucks driving gold prices

Illiterate in the use of tools
Thirteen dark secrets uncovered
Split up the package deal
Another broken heart is healing


Thursday, September 18, 2014

09-18-14 Silent Knowledge

Between the beams of light
The sky grew cold and dark
Worshippers danced in circles
Flying saucers hover above us

Extraterrestrial pioneers seeded the Earth
A shadow government is now in place

In search of classified information
Solving mysteries like puzzles
Evidence from that fateful day
When shots rang out in Dallas


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

09-17-14 TIme Travelers Witnessing History

Electric liquid fountain
Of youth and glory
In a spectacular time
To be alive while
The world is changing
At a quickened pace
In remarkable ways
Like a magic show
Right before our eyes


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

09-16-14 It's Important To Have Fun

That last one
Was a bad one

Fancy book learning
Is the end of television

A beautiful flower garden
The inspiration for a dream

Driving for hours
Chasing the moon

Robot vampire bunnies
Never have your back

Jamming out with old friends
Reading comic books after school

We don't care
That we're not cool

Darkened sunset purple
Fading into the swimming pool

This new one
Is a very good one


Monday, September 15, 2014

09-15-14 Home Run Haiku

Hit on the sweet spot
The ball flies through the air
Out of the ballpark


Sunday, September 14, 2014

09-14-14 Birth Of A Passageway

Walking back and forth
Footprints in the dirt
Carving out a path
Evolving over time
Days months years
Laying down cobblestone
Buried over the decades
Paved over with cement
Swallowed up by the interstate


Saturday, September 13, 2014

09-13-14 Clues In Shoes

Piecing together
A timeline of events
To help solve a mystery
In the heat of darkness

A cold winter morning
Frozen feelings of happiness
An innocent moment of light
The answers are all around


Friday, September 12, 2014

09-12-14 Commercial Messages

Whitening fast lightning
Deep intensive cleaning
Infinity flex foam filling
Tough stain removal

Batteries not included
Adult assembly required
Trade them with your friends
Ask your parents before calling

Buy one get one free
On sale this week only
This deal won't last forever
Collect them all


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

09-10-14 Worlds Of Words

As each day passes
The world spins around
The words become alive
The ideas change the world
And the world inspires the words


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

09-09-14 Killer Nuts

They made
a freak show
Out of pieces
of the people
Who are leftover
after dinner
And you have
to figure out
Who all those
crazy people are
With twisted faces
that are so scary
So you shouldn't
sleep tonight
Because I want
all the power
But I can't figure
out the puzzle yet

Monday, September 8, 2014

09-08-14 Noises In The Closet

I'm not going up there tonight

Creepy crawlers will keep you away

Spooky ghosts scaring you seriously

Don't turn off the lights anymore

Sunday, September 7, 2014

09-07-14 Surfing The City Waves

Under a moonlit sky
Back in the old world
Influenced by romance

Red wine spilled out
White table cloth destroyed
Wasted across the room

Tender juicy steak with butter
Falling asleep in a traffic jam
Proud to pass along the legacy


Saturday, September 6, 2014

09-06-14 Sloppy BBQ Sauce Poem

Flowing waterfalls rushing
Cool summer breezes blow
Glory days that last forever
Feasting on chicken wings

Passages of time
Sweet memories


Friday, September 5, 2014

09-05-14 Last Minute Summer Logic


Thursday, September 4, 2014

09-04-14 What The Bleep

Make more money
The old fashioned way
Chocolate syrup sloppy
Dinosaur pasta chomp
Cookies crumble blunder
Tumble rumble thunder
Target crunch chicken
One million days longer
Bleeped out words on TV
Politics are worse than porn
Stumble spin magic craft
Paranoid awareness alone
Widow's warrior heartache
Window through the yard
Get rich quick scheme
Empower your success


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

09-03-14 Lotus

Energy Flows
In Every Direction

Flowers Bloom
On A Winter's Afternoon

Fresh Air
Quietly Drifting Away


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

09-02-14 The Festival Of Forbidden Evil

Goblins dancing
in the dead of night
under darkened light
laughing in a circle

Libations flowing
at the celebration of evil
where the monsters live
and the wild beasts howl

Far away in the woods
an enchanting realm
is home to many creatures
undiscovered by humans


Monday, September 1, 2014

09-01-14 Journal Of A Dream Traveler

Stuck in the middle
When the sleep set in
Heavy relaxation
Deep dream state

Travel down the path
Into another journey
Of cartoon fairytales
Fascinating characters

Evil mosters emerge
From cold darkness
In the dead of night
Drowning in nightmares

Fade away into morning
Daylight peeking through
Comfort quiet in silence
Wake up in another world