Sunday, June 10, 2012

06-10-12 Encounter At Pere Lachaise

When I landed in France
I didn't have a place to stay
so I walked around in the night
drinking a bottle of red wine

It was late and I was tired
so I found a park that was
full of beautiful art sculptures
made from stone and marble

I took shelter inside a sculpture
but realized that I couldn't sleep
because there were too many people
walking around outside the structure

When I crawled out of the sculpture
I was surrounded by people who
were dressed in a peculiar style
as if it was three hundred years ago

I befriended a beautiful woman
who was wearing a long yellow gown
with her hair all done up in a big mess
hidden beneath a bright yellow hat

All the people were walking in a daze
but no one uttered a single word out loud
and when I spoke to the woman in yellow
she put a finger to her lips and said Shhhhh

It was at that moment that I realized
that all of these people were ghosts
and the stone and marble sculptures
were tombstones in a cemetery

So I asked the woman in yellow
if she could bring me to the grave
of the great Jim Morrison himself
and the woman paused for a moment

She waved for me to follow her
and we walked together into the night
along a dark path littered with dried flowers
as strange cats scurried back and forth

We passed the graves of Isadora Duncan
and Edith Piaf then walked past the tombs
of Frederic Chopin and Oscar Wilde
then we continued on a narrow cobblestone path

Finally we arrived at the top of a steep hill
where we saw the mighty Lizard King perched
then he glared at us with a wicked smile and laughed
as he transformed into a giant fiery demon with red eyes

I gasped in horror and ran away as fast as I could
down the hill along the narrow cobblestone path
and over the wall without ever looking back again
but I could still here Jim's demented maniacal laugh

The very next day I got on a plane and flew back home
to New York City and sometimes when I am alone at night
I think of the beautiful woman in the yellow dress and
I hear Jim Morrison calling to me from his haunted grave


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